Weston Creek Indians Baseball Club

2024/2025 Baseball Australia Membership Registration Form

Welcome to Season 2024/25!


- You MUST indicate on this first screen the CORRECT number of Adult and Children participants you are registering. FAILURE TO INDICATE THIS CORRECTLY MAY RESULT IN THE WRONG FEES BEING APPLIED AT CHECKOUT.

- When registering Adults and Children in the same session, you MUST register all ADULTS FIRST on the screens that follow. For each participant you will be taken through to the 'Proceed to Payment' screen (which you should click on) but will not make payment until the last particIpant's details have been entered.

- A Family Discount is available for up to 3 Junior players registering from the same family. Please note - in order to receive the Family Discount, you MUST register all Junior participants in the same registration session.

How many people are you registering?

