Canterbury Basketball

CBA Registration to a Team

Thank you for registering to play in a Canterbury Basketball Association Competition for this calendar year. This form will register you to a club or school, as well as the CBA and Basketball New Zealand.

After completing one registration, you can use the same email login to register with other clubs/schools/representative teams that are affiliated with BBNZ. Similarly, in future years, you will also use the same login.

Basketball Development Levy

From 1 January 2025, an annual Basketball Development Levy of $5 - $15 (dependent on age) per player was introduced across the country. The levy will be collected by BBNZ, and in collaboration with Associations, will be directed towards a range of key initiatives.

The levy will apply to all players in regular season competitions. The levy is paid once per player per year, regardless of how many times they play or how many competitions they play in. The levy is not paid by coaches, officials, volunteers and administrators, unless they are also registered to play.

You can find more information about the Basketball Development Levy and frequently asked questions on the BBNZ website here.

Please contact if you have any queries about the levy

NOTE: To complete this process you will need to pay online.

Please enter your email address below

This email is required for confirmation of your registration and future registration access.