Monash Sport

Semester 2 2024 Evening Competitions


For all existing teams who have played in previous competitions please select; 'My team is registered in this league/association, and I know my team code and password.'

For all teams that are new to our competitions, please select; 'New Team Registration.'

Privacy collection statement:

Monash University values the privacy of every Individual's personal information and is committed to the protection of that information from unauthorised use and disclosure except where permitted by law. For information about the handling of your personal information please see the Student Data Protection and Privacy Collection Statement, the Employee Data Protection and Privacy Collection Statement and/or the Alumni, Friends and Supporters Data Protection and Privacy Collection Statement (as applicable to your interaction with Monash University). For more information about Data Protection and Privacy at Monash University please see our Data Protection and Privacy Procedure. If you have any questions about how Monash University is collecting and handling your personal information, please contact our Data Protection and Privacy Office at

NOTE: To complete this process you will need to pay online.

My team is registered in this league/association, and I know my team code and password

I would like to request my team code and password

New Team Registration