Welcome to the Canterbury Basketball Associations Men's Tupu Trials Form for participants. Completing this form will ensure you're eligible for your association rep team. If you've already self-registered to your association this year, simply confirm all pre-filled details are correct and click submit.
This form uses Email Sign On.
If your email address is recognised as already being in the system you will need to enter a password to continue, or, you will need to set a password via the forgot password option.
Please note that multiple users can be attached to a single email address (i.e. multiple children attached to a parents email account).
If you have any issues with completing the registration process, please contact your local association.
This form uses Email Sign On.
If your email address is recognised as already being in the system you will need to enter a password to continue, or, you will need to set a password via the forgot password option.
Please note that multiple users can be attached to a single email address (i.e. multiple children attached to a parents email account).
If you have any issues with completing the registration process, please contact your local association.