Welcome to the Online Registration platform for the 2025 Lacrosse Victoria Season.
You will be asked to input your email address. This email will be your unique identifier within the database. If your email is recognized (ie you have registered with GameDay in the past using this email) you will be sent an email prompting you to reset your password.
If you have not previously registered with this email, or are new, please put in your email and follow the steps to set up your account.
Once you have completed the steps above, you will be taken back to the form to complete your registration.
If you have questions or get stuck, please contact Liam at competitions.officer@lacrossevictoria.com.au
If you have any questions regarding the Lacrosse Victoria Registration Fee, please check out our FAQs page before emailing:
You will be asked to input your email address. This email will be your unique identifier within the database. If your email is recognized (ie you have registered with GameDay in the past using this email) you will be sent an email prompting you to reset your password.
If you have not previously registered with this email, or are new, please put in your email and follow the steps to set up your account.
Once you have completed the steps above, you will be taken back to the form to complete your registration.
If you have questions or get stuck, please contact Liam at competitions.officer@lacrossevictoria.com.au
If you have any questions regarding the Lacrosse Victoria Registration Fee, please check out our FAQs page before emailing: